Our Community

We nurture our valuable partnerships and promote connections within our community, as we believe it leads to continuous learning, enhanced relationships, and a greater collective impact. 

Foundation Partners

Join the Momentum of akoyaGO

"If you want a low-impact, low-volume solution, there are countless options...but if you want high-impact and high-volume, we found one choice and that’s akoyaGO."

Long Beach Community Foundation logo

"This is a big step in the evolution of our organization, and we are excited to be taking that step with akoyaGO."​


More than a Software Provider

Partnership drives our solution. Discover the power of collaboration with user stories from the akoyaGO community.

Empowering our community

Connecting Foundations

At akoyaGO, we believe in the power of connection. Our community initiatives are designed to provide our clients with unparalleled opportunities to learn, share, and grow together, strengthening the bonds within our philanthropic community.


EMPOWERED Annual User Conference

Our conference is a prime networking event for foundation professionals. It offers a unique platform for akoyaGO users to connect with peers, share insights, and foster collaborations. Attendees benefit from meeting others in similar roles and regions, enhancing their industry knowledge and professional networks. Beyond educational sessions, EMPOWERED provides social opportunities for community engagement and fun, ensuring a holistic experience. This event is essential for those looking to expand their foundation's impact through valuable connections and shared learning.
User Groups

akoyaGO User Groups

Tailored for different functions and foundation types, including grants and scholarships, finance and administration, and private foundations. This is your unique platform to connect, share, and grow alongside fellow foundation professionals and akoyaGO users.

  • Engage in meaningful discussions
  • Collaborate on questions
  • Contribute your valuable insights and best practices
Support Webinars

akoyaGO Support Webinars

Experience tailored instruction and real-time solutions from our seasoned experts, dedicated to enhancing your foundation’s efficiency and impact. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, our webinars are structured with predetermined topics and proficiency levels to meet your unique needs.

  • Interactive sessions for an opportunity to engage directly with our specialists in open Q+A forums
  • Gain insights, tips, and strategies to leverage akoyaGO’s features to the fullest

akoyaGO Forums

Forums are accessible through our dedicated client support portal, GOsupport. This dynamic space is designed for our valued akoyaGO clients to forge stronger connections, share experiences, and cultivate a supportive environment.

Dive into discussions, explore diverse categories, and initiate threads that matter to you. Whether you’re seeking advice, sharing success stories, or looking for innovative solutions, our forums are your go-to platform for peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration.


Regional and National Associations

We are proud to collaborate with a diverse range of associations, fostering invaluable partnerships that bring us closer to our clients and fellow foundation professionals. Our sponsorships are more than just support; they are our commitment to unite, engage, and grow together in the philanthropic sector. By participating in various association conferences, we not only contribute to the industry's collective wisdom but also gain deeper insights and learnings.


A Few of Our Community Members

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